Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Michigan`s U P fall colors

 As advertised same of the fall colors (for those of you in southern Calif.).  It is still a little early but I am hoping for more in Canada & New England in a couple of weeks.  These were taken in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  I has been very warm (70`s day & 40`s at night) which is not helping the colors to change.
 Above more colors & below you can se that I have to hunt around for the best color.  This is on Michigan`s Hwy. 2 at the top of  Lake Michigan.  Good roads and some of the nicest people.
 I have been using my camper about half of the time, when I can find a spot to tuck into.  Below is one of those spots which was down a dirt road & then I found a "old" path that use to be a road off to the side.  After checking it out on foot, I backed down about 200` & set up camp.  I had to do a little branch pruning (I brought my hand / flip saw), so as to not scrape up the "rig".  Very quite and peaceful.
 Below is a closer look at my spot & my folage screen.  It was so far back that I could not be seen from the dirt road.  It was so quiet that I did not wake up until sun finally hit my camper, about 8:30.  No schedule so no problem.....

 To leave the Upper Peninsula I had to go south across the Mackinac Bridge (only $4.00). 
 An action shot while driving across the bridge.  I am going to guess that it about 3/4 -1 mile long.  It kind of looks like the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco but it is not same color.
Today (Wenesday 9/24) I drove from the U P down to just north of Detroit.  I got a room for the night and a HOT shower.  The plan is to see a bunch of things that my good neighbors (thanks Jim)recomended in Dearborn.  More on that soon.

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