Sunday, October 19, 2014

Hiking in Virginia

I have been spending time hanging out with my sister here in Virginia.  Since her husband is still working, we have had the days to relax & play with the dogs.

My sister, her husband & myself all attended the same high school (Woodrow Wilson H S) in Washington, D. C.   Last Friday (10/11) was my sister`s 45 th class reunion & the morning of their party, her class had scheduled a tour of our old school.  It was interesting to see the place after so many years (I graduated in 1966 & my brother-in-law in 1970).  The three of joined a two hour tour from the principal and the changes are amazing.  It is a public school and got $ to make major improvements plus enlarging the buildings.  It had been 48 years since I had been inside.  I hope we have a 50 th reunion for our class!

I know, not enough pictures - so last Wednesday I talked my sister into a hike around some of the man made lake in Reston, Va.  Reston is the nations first Planned Community Zone & was established in the early 1960`s.  It is northwest of Washington & was really out in the country when it was built.  See the plaque, Lake Anne was the first of may clusters that made up this development. 

Next are a few pictures of the building that make up this (still) thriving community.  The design of it really says 1960`s as you can see below but it has a certain charm.  You really need to read at least the first paragraph of the picture above to understand the concept.
 This central area has shops below and living units above.  There is even a church, gas station, hiking trails & boating on the lakes.
This picture above is me turning right a quarter of a turn from the last, to see the boating and common area (notice the bronze statue seated on the bench - it is Mr. Simon, the planner)
One of the "fingers" of the lake showing layout of the water to the homes.  It is a little to dense for my liking but it is nice.
We hiked around Lake Thoreau, one of  larger lakes which took about an hour & then had lunch at a place right there.  Great day & nice weather (not raining for a change).

A little fall color in some plants.
There was also some salad "fixings" by the trail side but I resisted.......
I hope you enjoyed the history lesson with pictures & there will not be a test afterwards.  More another time but since it is now 10:27 P M, I am done......

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