Saturday, November 1, 2014

Biltmore Again & Snow 11-1-14

After staying in Asheville, N.C. overnight (thankfully in a warm room), I woke up to a little more than 2" of snow.  The weather people actually were forecasting more & they are still getting snow tonight.
This is what I saw out my window this morning.

Cleaning snow off the truck in cold / windy weather was no fun!

Living out west & near the coast, this is a fun to experience - as long as I can leave......

Above Biltmore`s main entrance looked more seasonal than the day before, with the garlands & snow.
The drive up to the "house" is about 2 miles through beautiful landscaping.  Today it looked like a winter wonderland at every turn.

It was a "wet" snow, so it stuck to everything but the temp. kept it from staying on the road (great contrast).
Even one of the lion statues by the front door could not believe this early snow. The snow was blown in from the right, so it was perfect effect (check out the eye, after clicking on it to enlarge).

Even one of the potted plants out front looked like it was "flocked" for the season.  The statue below got the same "partial" coating of snow that gave it an interesting look.

The "front" lawn covered in snow really changed to view of the "house".  The change from one day to the next is remarkable.  Check out one of the shots on yesterday`s blog for contrast.

The greenhouse with all the trees dusted with snow takes on a new appearance.
Below is another view of a tree to show how much snow fell.  I know, for those of you who live in snow country, this is just "ho hum".  For those of us who have to go visit the snow (or in my case having forgotten what it is like) it was fun to see but still cold.

On to the Atlanta area to visit with more family.......  No mas.

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