Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sierra Hiking Trip 8-2012 Part 1

Our annual hiking trip in the Sierras occured between 8/26 & 9/5/12.  The hike started in Yosemite National Park at Toulumne Meadows area which is in the northern part of the park.  Our route took us north on the Pacific Crest Trail and ended at Kennedy Meadows on Hyw.108, west of Sonora Pass.

There were only four of us hiking this year plus or cook & wrangler.  We covered about 80 miles of the trail and the weather was perfect. 

I know, enough with the details, let`s see some pictures!!!

This is Smedberg Lake elevation 9,219` and our first layover day (a rest day where we camped for two nights).  This was day 3 of our hike and a great place to enjoy.  I took the day off to hike to Rodgers Lake which is off the main trail.  See it below, complete with islands in the middle, elev.9,507`.
During the day (also most evenings) some of the stock would be turned out to graze, as in this shot.  Here they had a marshy area and lots of grass.
Next is an evening shot across Smedberg Lake with the moon reflecting on the water and a rock in the foreground.
Above is our camp (in the trees to the left by that large rock), this shot was taken in the morning before the breeze came up.  The reflection pictures came out better that looking into the bright sky with the light reflecting on the granite mountains.

This is our group: L-R - Our cook, Adell; Maryland; her husband Bill; Mary & our wrangler, Tyler.  We even had sections of trees to use as tables.
The next pictures are of the kitchen area.  First the cook`s tables and then the storage boxes (bear boxes).
To be continued.........

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