Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Fall Trip North - Day 12 (added)

I do not know what happened last night when I was finishing up my blog.  Here is the picture that I was trying to include at the end of the next (Day 12) blog.  The way this truck was covered with snow around the top was neat plus a little on the hood and grill.  It looked very festive.
I guess that I am just barely able to function on this crazy electronic medium but I keep trying.  It seems like I thrive on frustration.  Anyway, this is the end of this trip, as is got really cold. 
I stopped in an RV park in Beaver, Utah and happened to ask what the temp. was going to be that night.  The answer was "about 17 degrees" and I thought well that is not to bad.  Well, it was 24 degrees in my camper the next morning and it was COLD.........
After thawling out and scraping the ice off my windshield, I decided to try a few more days.  My plan was to see Bryce Canyon & Zion National Parks in the southwestern corner of Utah. 
As I headed down Interstate 15, the passes over which I would have to travel to reach these parks were closed due to snow.  That took care of my plans so....... I headed home.
After a 10 hour drive I was back in Santa Barbara and glad to be in warmer country.  It was a great 2,100 miles and beautiful sights.  I hope you enjoyed sharing it with me through this blog.
I will be home through at least spring, so no more blog (that I know of) until then.
Ah, winter in Southern California, break out the warm clothes!!!!!

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