Friday, July 1, 2011

DAY 26 - Mueller State Park - Colorado Springs, Co.

I drove east with the intention of riding the "cog train" up to the top of Pikes Peak, which is just west of Colorado Springs, Co.   Unfortunately there had been two of the trains that had broken down that morning and the wait would be five hours (that would mean waiting until about 4:00 pm).  I decided to skip it and drive a short into Colorado Springs and visit a place known as "Garden of the Gods".  It is a geologic site and rather that bore you, I will show you.
This is a formation called "Balance Rock" and I could not resist getting myself into the picture. 

Anyway the place is full of "uplifted plates" or layers of rocks that have been tipped up on end.  It is a interesting place and there are paths to walk around to view the whole thing.
Then I headed back west on Hwy. 70 to Colorado Springs which is a nice little town.

This is the City Hall in Colorado Springs, Co. and reminded me of a Frank Lloyd Wright building (I found out that if you double click on the picture, it will enlarge).  
This is a nice little house in the town that I found on a walk around the back streets.  I enjoy seeing the "other parts" of any city.
Below is one of the business on the main street which has a date of 1880 on the trinagle at the peak.
The next pictures are from my drive up to the start of the road to the summit of Mt. Evans.  This is were I decided to spend the night at a forest service campground.

Welcome to Echo Lake ( elev. 10,600`) which is just outside the ranger district that surrounds park where Mount Evans is located.  Mt. Evans is the "highest auto road" in the United States.
I also realized that it had been 40 years (almost to the month) that a friend and I drove up to the summit.  I had always wanted to see the summit again but did not want to drive my truck, so the next best way was to ride my bicycle.  Why not -I as crazy as the next person......
I decided to attempt the bicycle ride the 14 miles up to the summit of Mt. Evans (elev. 14,260`) the next day.  I thought that by sleeping at 10,600` elev. would help with riding up the mountain given the elevation.
Will he make it - tune in for the next installment of what will he do next.
A Rocky Mountain goodbye.

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