Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 34 - Glenwood Springs, Co. - Arches National Park, Utah

I drove into Utah on the same day that I rode to the top of the mesa in Colorado National Monument.  I then headed for Arches National Park (just west of the border with Colorado on Hwy. 70). 
It was great scenery along the way after crossing the border into Utah.
There I go driving and taking pictures again, but I did not have a good place to stop, so that makes it legal ?
Definitely storm clouds brewing in the distance (this is looking east). 
Lots of large formations all around.
Great clouds help to make better pictures.  This is called 'Courthouse Tower" and stands apart from other formations.
A look at "Balance Rock" with a cloud that appears to be smoke comming out of the top.  Well I thought it could look like smoke, whatever.
Next are several pictures of what the park is named for - arches.
 Notice the cars at the right of this shot.  Then the same formation but closer and with people in the opening for prespective. 
And closer yet.
There are actually two 'arches" right together and looking at both it almost apperas to be a mask of a sort.
I got halfway through the park and decided that I was not enjoying everything.  The heat / crowds / rains & missing the Tour de France coverage on TV were just dragging me down.  I had a lot of fun but I felt that it was time to go home, so I did. 
Many great memories so no sence in pushing it.  I will finish up with the parks in Utah in October or next spring.
That is all for now.  I hope you enjoyed following my travels as much as I had doing them. 

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