Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Michigan`s U P fall colors

 As advertised same of the fall colors (for those of you in southern Calif.).  It is still a little early but I am hoping for more in Canada & New England in a couple of weeks.  These were taken in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  I has been very warm (70`s day & 40`s at night) which is not helping the colors to change.
 Above more colors & below you can se that I have to hunt around for the best color.  This is on Michigan`s Hwy. 2 at the top of  Lake Michigan.  Good roads and some of the nicest people.
 I have been using my camper about half of the time, when I can find a spot to tuck into.  Below is one of those spots which was down a dirt road & then I found a "old" path that use to be a road off to the side.  After checking it out on foot, I backed down about 200` & set up camp.  I had to do a little branch pruning (I brought my hand / flip saw), so as to not scrape up the "rig".  Very quite and peaceful.
 Below is a closer look at my spot & my folage screen.  It was so far back that I could not be seen from the dirt road.  It was so quiet that I did not wake up until sun finally hit my camper, about 8:30.  No schedule so no problem.....

 To leave the Upper Peninsula I had to go south across the Mackinac Bridge (only $4.00). 
 An action shot while driving across the bridge.  I am going to guess that it about 3/4 -1 mile long.  It kind of looks like the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco but it is not same color.
Today (Wenesday 9/24) I drove from the U P down to just north of Detroit.  I got a room for the night and a HOT shower.  The plan is to see a bunch of things that my good neighbors (thanks Jim)recomended in Dearborn.  More on that soon.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Central Wisconsin to Michigan`s U. P.

 I decided that since my route to Michigan`s upper peninsula was passing through Green Bay, Wisconsin, that a stop at the Nalional Railroad Museum was in order (saw it on the map).  After spending 2 hours there I realized that trains are really "Big Things". 
 Could not resist getting into the picture with one of the biggest locomotives ever built.  The model is called the "Big Boy" and has two sets of driving wheels with ten wheels in each set.  That makes it (in locomotive terms) a 2-10-10-2.  It is only one of five of it`s size that still exsist.
 This is a concept engine from the 1950`s that never really cought  on but it is very aerodynomic (?).
 This is a British locomotive that got traded to the US after it was decomissioned.  It was re-named the Dwight D. Eisenhower but never saw service on this "side of the pond".  You know they drive on the other side of the tracks!  HA, HA.

 Standing on the "foot plate" (engine control area) of an old steam engine.  Note the doors are open where the coal is shoveled into the boiler.  Below is the inside of the boiler, closeup.  It is so big you could park several pickup trucks inside.

 The amazing "hardware" on the otside of this engine.
 I am now by the shore of Lake Michigan, in a great campground (with power) & it only cost $24.00.  It about 100 miles north of Green Bay but into Michigan.  I can see the northern tip of what is called the "Door Penninsula" which is part of Wisconsin across the lake.  Very nice and I found it just about the time I had decided to stop for the night.  Life is good!
On to explore Michigan`s upper peninsula tomorrow & maybe down across the Mackinaw Bridge, time allowing.  No set schedule as usual.
It might be a two blanket night but so far no rain.....

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Driving Day across three states

 Lots of clouds in southwestern Minnesota but no rain.  I (of course) was driving while taking this picture but I was only going 70!
 Stopped for the night in Coloma, Wisconsin (between La Crosse & Oshkosh).  Small town with a classic old church.
 This is the "old" hotel where I got a room.  Note the sign that this place was established in 1876.
 A front view of the hotel, which is decorated for fall.  My room is the center one that sticks out in the middle.
Great front porch.  The hotel and town both remind me of the movie - Groundhog Day.  The only difference is I would not want to live there.
So far I have driven 2,700+ miles & passed through 8 states.  And I am still having fun.  It is cooling off but that is a relief from the 100 degree temps when I started.
Today was the last day of Fall..........

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The pictures from the last post

 The actual mountain is in the background but only the face is completed - the white is the model.

Heading North

My route was north from Boulder on the way to Mt. Rushmore.  There were several stops along the way.
First I happened across a Stage Coach Museum in Lusk, Wyoming.  that is the first picture.
Next I stopped at a saw mill where I was allowed to photograph inside since the workers were on break. that is the second picture.
Into South Dakota to see the Crazy Horse & Mt. Rushmore Memorials.  I enjoyed both but spent more time at Crazy Horse since it is a work-in-progress.  that is the third & fourth picture.
That night I found a "primitive" camping spot in the National Forest.  Very quiet and peaceful.  The picture is as I was closing down my camper & you can see the "road" I parked next to.  that is the fifth picture.
Next I stopped by Sturgis, South Dakota which is the site of a big motorcycle gathering once a year.  I took a picture of the town sign.  that is the sixth picture.
Last I had to stop & see Wall Drug in Wall, South Dakota.  It is a tourist trap and they got me.  that is the last picture.
This is the last several days which I could not post since I did not have a connection.  I am moteling it tonight in Mitchell, South Dakota & heading east toward Michigan`s U. P.
Because I am not doing something "right" you will have to go to the next post to see the pictures. 
That all folks, Bob

Monday, September 15, 2014

Denver Chihuly Glass exhibition

Drove down to the Denver Botanic Gardens to see an installation of glass art by Dale Chihuly.  The gardens were something to rival Lotusland gardens in Santa Barbara.  The kicker was an extensive collection of glass art by the world famous Dale Chihuly all throughout the gardens.  We spent about 4 hours touring the grounds with lunch (of course).  This is now the third time I have seen his work.  Once at his studio in Washington State and again at the old Worlds Fair grounds in Seattle.
If you ever get the chance to see his work in person, do not miss it.  You can search by his name and see more of his creations.
I will likely hit the road on Wednesday heading for Mt. Rushmore.
I will leave you with a few pictures of some of the glass creations I saw today.  


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Pueblo, Co. to Boulder, Co.

My stay at a RV park last hight (as usual) had a few drawbacks.  First my camper does not mask out noises very well or at all.  Due to that it was late until I was able to get to sleep (about 1:00 AM).
Enough of my complaining about things I can not control.
I spent a few hours touring at Royal Gorge Bridge and then headed to Boulder. Co. to have dinner with friends.  We are thinking about driving down to Denver to see an exhibit of glass by Chihuly, who is a famous glass artist originally from the northwest.
I will leave you with a picture of the Royal Gorge Bridge.  Day three and still having a good time!!!
A hint, if you want to enlarge any of the pictures on this blog, just double click on them.  Then click again and they will return to thier former size

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Day two

Today was a drive from Winslow, Az. to Pueblo, Colorado (area).   I decided that I wanted to see the Royal Gorge Bridge which is west of Pueblo by about 25 miles.  I go here after dark and will see it tommorow before heading to visit friends in Boulder, Co.
The only good picture I got on todays drive was a big white cloud that was hanging on top of a mountain next to the road.  Sorry it is not that exciting but I should have something else tommorow

Friday, September 12, 2014

Another travel pictures

One more view of the desert.
I may have to creat a seperate post for each picture.  I hope to stop by "Royal Gorge Bridge & Park" (which is west of Pueblo, Colorado) on the way up toward Boulder, Co.

Santa Barbara to Winslow, Az.

The first let of my travels got me 600 miles down the road.  It was hot but thank goodness for Air conditioning.  I left S B at 5:30 A M (which is unreasonalbe for a retired person) so I could beat the commuter traffic coming into Los Angles - which I did.
I feels good to be on the road again and I celebrated by getting a room here in Winslow for the night.
This is view of the desert with some nice clouds.  I tried to post another picture but for some reason it is not working.
I will create another post with a second view of the "wild west".

Sunday, September 7, 2014

On the road again

At long last I am going to resume my blog for an upcomming road trip.  I plan to hit the road on about Sept. 12 and will be traveling for about two months.  Plans are to make a clockwise tour of the US with a side trip over to Nova Scotia and down the east coast then back across the south.  My trusty camper & I have no set schedule so this will be a supprise as to where / what I do.
A big home project that I completed in the spring of 2014 is a cactus garden in part of my back yard.  It measures about 35` x 25` and has over 50 different plants.  It is a good thing since we are in a drought situation this year.
Been hiking in the Sierras and still bicycle riding (1,500 miles this year).   Got up into the northwest / into Canada. 
Of course still doing small jobs for regular costomers and having a good retirement.