Sunday, September 21, 2014

Driving Day across three states

 Lots of clouds in southwestern Minnesota but no rain.  I (of course) was driving while taking this picture but I was only going 70!
 Stopped for the night in Coloma, Wisconsin (between La Crosse & Oshkosh).  Small town with a classic old church.
 This is the "old" hotel where I got a room.  Note the sign that this place was established in 1876.
 A front view of the hotel, which is decorated for fall.  My room is the center one that sticks out in the middle.
Great front porch.  The hotel and town both remind me of the movie - Groundhog Day.  The only difference is I would not want to live there.
So far I have driven 2,700+ miles & passed through 8 states.  And I am still having fun.  It is cooling off but that is a relief from the 100 degree temps when I started.
Today was the last day of Fall..........

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