Saturday, September 20, 2014

Heading North

My route was north from Boulder on the way to Mt. Rushmore.  There were several stops along the way.
First I happened across a Stage Coach Museum in Lusk, Wyoming.  that is the first picture.
Next I stopped at a saw mill where I was allowed to photograph inside since the workers were on break. that is the second picture.
Into South Dakota to see the Crazy Horse & Mt. Rushmore Memorials.  I enjoyed both but spent more time at Crazy Horse since it is a work-in-progress.  that is the third & fourth picture.
That night I found a "primitive" camping spot in the National Forest.  Very quiet and peaceful.  The picture is as I was closing down my camper & you can see the "road" I parked next to.  that is the fifth picture.
Next I stopped by Sturgis, South Dakota which is the site of a big motorcycle gathering once a year.  I took a picture of the town sign.  that is the sixth picture.
Last I had to stop & see Wall Drug in Wall, South Dakota.  It is a tourist trap and they got me.  that is the last picture.
This is the last several days which I could not post since I did not have a connection.  I am moteling it tonight in Mitchell, South Dakota & heading east toward Michigan`s U. P.
Because I am not doing something "right" you will have to go to the next post to see the pictures. 
That all folks, Bob

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