Monday, September 22, 2014

Central Wisconsin to Michigan`s U. P.

 I decided that since my route to Michigan`s upper peninsula was passing through Green Bay, Wisconsin, that a stop at the Nalional Railroad Museum was in order (saw it on the map).  After spending 2 hours there I realized that trains are really "Big Things". 
 Could not resist getting into the picture with one of the biggest locomotives ever built.  The model is called the "Big Boy" and has two sets of driving wheels with ten wheels in each set.  That makes it (in locomotive terms) a 2-10-10-2.  It is only one of five of it`s size that still exsist.
 This is a concept engine from the 1950`s that never really cought  on but it is very aerodynomic (?).
 This is a British locomotive that got traded to the US after it was decomissioned.  It was re-named the Dwight D. Eisenhower but never saw service on this "side of the pond".  You know they drive on the other side of the tracks!  HA, HA.

 Standing on the "foot plate" (engine control area) of an old steam engine.  Note the doors are open where the coal is shoveled into the boiler.  Below is the inside of the boiler, closeup.  It is so big you could park several pickup trucks inside.

 The amazing "hardware" on the otside of this engine.
 I am now by the shore of Lake Michigan, in a great campground (with power) & it only cost $24.00.  It about 100 miles north of Green Bay but into Michigan.  I can see the northern tip of what is called the "Door Penninsula" which is part of Wisconsin across the lake.  Very nice and I found it just about the time I had decided to stop for the night.  Life is good!
On to explore Michigan`s upper peninsula tomorrow & maybe down across the Mackinaw Bridge, time allowing.  No set schedule as usual.
It might be a two blanket night but so far no rain.....

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