Sunday, September 14, 2014

Pueblo, Co. to Boulder, Co.

My stay at a RV park last hight (as usual) had a few drawbacks.  First my camper does not mask out noises very well or at all.  Due to that it was late until I was able to get to sleep (about 1:00 AM).
Enough of my complaining about things I can not control.
I spent a few hours touring at Royal Gorge Bridge and then headed to Boulder. Co. to have dinner with friends.  We are thinking about driving down to Denver to see an exhibit of glass by Chihuly, who is a famous glass artist originally from the northwest.
I will leave you with a picture of the Royal Gorge Bridge.  Day three and still having a good time!!!
A hint, if you want to enlarge any of the pictures on this blog, just double click on them.  Then click again and they will return to thier former size

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bob-
    Following your travels when we have a free minute here at the office!

    Ann Owens
    Bickford Optometry
