Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Trip North -Day 2

I will start off saying that staying in an RV park is not ideal.  The reason is that so many people are jammed into a small space.  Most have the monstrous motor home and have a "dust mop" size dog that barks all night.  Of course they have taken their hearing aids out, so they don`t hear anything.  Ok, I got that out but the hookups are the reason to use a RV park most of the time.
Wednesday started out with a drive north on Hwy, 395 to Tom`s Place at the top of the Sherwin Grade out of Bishop.
I found a book about great bicycle rides up & down the Sierras.  One ride starts at the highway and goes up to the end of Rock Creek Road / Mosquito Flat.  The ride starts at 7,040` elevation and ends at 10,300` elevation over a distance of 10.5 miles with a total elevation gain (gains & loses) of 3,500`.
So I decided to ride it & got started about 11:00, due to the drive.  Beautiful fall colors in the Aspen trees and other plants.
It was a good road and very little traffic.
The Aspen trees are in their prime.

This is near the top of the road & a nice view of the mountains which had just had 2` of snow about a week ago.
Back at the truck with a cleanup and stow the bicycle.  Headed for Mammoth Lakes & a late lunch (Mexican food - my favorite).  Then headed south (a little) to Convict Lake where I will camp for the night - elevation7,850`.
Here are a few shots of Convict Lake where I plan to start my hike tomorrow.
These are for Mary - just few pictures of "stuff".

This is on the bridge at the out flow from Convict Lake - elevation 7,850`.

That is it for now.  Traveling Fool

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