Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fall Trip North - Day 3

I am camped at Convict Lake (south of Mammoth Lakes - on Hwy. 395).  Last night was cold (about 37 degrees) but I was very comfortable in my camper.  That is until I had to get out of bed and get dressed.  I set off on my hike around the lake and up toward Mildred & Dorothy Lakes.  I intended to get to Dorothy but that is a 12 mile (round trip) hike and about 3,000` of elevation.  My start at 9:30 and the shorter days made me turn around at Milderd Lake (10 mile round trip and about 2,200` of elevation).  Great hike and again the Aspen trees are in full color.
A look at the trail and the Aspen trees.  My destination is above where the two sides meet in the distance.
This is about the 9,000` elevation mark and as you can see the trail has some good patches of snow (which you have to cover since there is no way around).  They had a two foot snow several weeks ago and this is some of what is leftover.
First view of Mildred Lake (just part of it) and Red Slate Mountain in the distance (it is the one at center with the vertical snow line down it).  Actually it has that snow feature all year round.  Still a lot of snow up there.
the right half of Mildred Lake with the reflection of the mountains beyond, really clear water & cold.
Convict Lake on my return, My campground is in the distance to the right.  You can see the White Mountains in the very far distance & they still have a good bit of snow as well.
My hike was 3 1/2 hours up and 2 1/2 hours down, with great weather the whole day.
On my return to camp, I decided to get cleaned up and refreshed by taking a dip in the lake.  Yes, it is quite cold but felt good. 
Off to Mammoth high country and a hike to Lake Virginia (a lake we passed on the John Muir Trail several years ago).  It is a stunning lake and I think it within a days hike - we`ll see.

More stuff to come.  Good night

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