Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fall Trip North - Day 4

A few last pictures from the morning at Convict Lake.  I just had to check out the lake early (8:30 - that`s early for me, after all I am retired), plus the mornings are quite cold - 39 degrees last night.  Now I am headed to Mammoth Lakes area.

I am now in the Mammoth area and was able to do a hike to Duck lake yesterday.  This hike was inspired my my neighbors who made part of the same hike recently.  Yes, Jim & Julie, this is for you.  I did not get a early start and it was a good thing since it was still cool on the first shaded part of the hike.  The lake are stunning with the new snow and clear water.
First lake you see is Arrowhead Lake which is small and right beside the trail.
Next is Barney Lake (actually several small lakes connected) at 2.5 miles up the trail.  Below is a panorama (l - r) with the reflections of the show in the water.
Next is a view for the lake from half way up the trail to Duck Pass.  This is a view that you`ll did not get to see.
The trail comes into this lake at the far end and you can see Heart & Arrowhead Lakes to the right in distance.  The next shots are of Duck Lake (elevation over 10,000` but I am not sure of the exact height). 
There are two pictures that are l -r.
This is the same shot but using the telephoto feature and with the lake surface effected by the sun & wind.  You are looking toward the outflow of the lake as it flows down to Purple Lake (which is on the John Muir Trail).
I found the perfect little Christmas tree and it a fresh blanket of snow at the base.  The only trouble is that by Christmas time it will be completely covered with a deep pack of snow. 
Today has turned out to be a rest day and it was necessary to catch up on things.  I may stay here another night and head for Yosemite tomarrow.  An open schedule (whatever that is) seem to be a good thing. 
Greetings from "Bicycle Bob".

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