Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Canada Trip - 14

My friend Mary called as I was headed into Oregon and told me about a great State Park that I should not miss.  The timing was perfect, since I was about 100 miles north of Salem, Oregon.  Silver Falls State Park is just east of Hwy. 5 at Salem on Hwy 214 about 25 miles (for those of you that might care to ever find it).  It is part of the largest park in Oregon and has some great hiking opportunities.  I know, to much dribble not enough pictures.  OK.
This is just one of the ten falls on a 2.5 hour hike through the river valley.  The falls are so big that on several of  them the trail goes in behind / underneath the falling water.  This is Middle North Falls which drops 106` and if you look closely people are visible just to the right of the falls.  This gives you some prospective of the size and this is one of the smaller ones.
This called North Falls and the trail can be seen to the left, back up under the cliff.  The next is the same falls but a look more to the left (but from the other side) and you can see large wooden benches by the trail.
These falls are amazing and being able to walk behind them is very cool.
It is basically a tropical forest and this next view of the trees is typical of the area.  Lots of moss!
Several falls are lower but still very picturesque.  This one is right on the river and nicely framed by the forest.
Along side the trail is a bounty of ferns and moss growing on everything.
Looking out through the falling water is an interesting view like the next picture.
How about another one of the falls?
South Falls which drops 177` is next and the last one on the hike (going the direction I went).  The people (the small things up under the dark rock) really give it the impact of it`s size.
This is the view looking down of the water entering the pool below.  Kind a "artsy" sort of shot. 
One last look at South Falls but from the other side - it definitely drew the crows since it is the closest to the main area in the park. 
I hiked down what is called the "River Trail" and hiked back on the "Rim Trail" which took about 3.5 hours hiking time round trip.  It is not to stressful since I saw everyone from young children to people older than me (I know, is that possible ?) hiking and enjoying the views. 

This is a look at the Rim Trail and still lots of ferns.  A great return hike to my truck and a very easy trail.
I am so glad the Mary suggested it to me and now I am suggesting it to you.
Get out there and enjoy!!!!!

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