Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Canada Trip - 7-12 - I know the order is not right!

It is July 12 and I am leaving Vashon Island (again).  I am also leaving old and new friends, but the road calls.  This first shot is on the ferry, heading off the island, over to Tacoma, Wa. going back south on Hwy. 5.
They pack you in very tight and I ended up right behind a semi trailer - at least I had a view.  It was a short trip so I stayed in my truck and that was a good thing because it would have been snug getting out!
Heading south I realized that I could possibly drive out to actually see Mt. St. Helens - it was too overcast to see the mountain on my trip north.

These pictures are from Johnston Ridge Observatory (elevation 4,200`) of what is left of the mountain which is now 8,365` high.  You can see the deep canyons in front that were carved by the debris from the explosion which happened in 1980.
Next is looking just to the left at Spirit Lake, which is much smaller than before.
The drive off of Hwy. 5 is about 52 miles (one way) but goes thought some beautiful country and worth it.
I think this map of the area helps to give it prospective. 

The mountain`s crater is near the bottom with the observatory is just above.  The hills around were scoured by the blast and some of the downed trees are still visible in the distance all pointing away from the mountain.
Back to the road and more cool things to see.
There ain`t no more today!

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