Monday, July 23, 2012

Canada Trip - 7-17

After spending time around the central Oregon area, it was time to hit the road again.  I was killing some time waiting for the weather to clear at Crater Lake.  I know, I was there about a month ago (for those of you that actually follow the blog) but the snow was to deep and not cleared around the lake.  I decided to stop by and get to make the "rim" drive around the lake - hopefully. 
I set out to drive over to the west coast of Oregon and see the Pacific Ocean.  Of course when I am home, I could ride downtown and see the ocean anytime.  It was a beautiful road lined with tall trees and a large river that was quite full.
Great roads but I would not like to ride my bicycle on them since there are a lot of logging trucks.  They drive like they would happily run over a cyclist just for sport.  That is probably a little extreme but ........
Above you can see the work of logging operations in years past on the hill above the road where the trees have been harvested.
So much for that drive, I then headed east to Crater Lake via Hwy, 58 which is an excellent road.  I got to the park about 7:00 PM and got a camping spot.  No more pictures this day.
Catch you tomorrow.

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