Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Canada Trip - 7-17

I am going to attempt to load the pictures that evaded me yesterday.  First another look at the wild life in the yard on Vashon.
This doe and her baby were constant visitors. 
Even feeling secure enough to nurse right outside the living room windows.  One more picture of the full crop of baby raccoons that finally came up to the house.  I counted six but there might have been more!

I am not sure if these next two pictures have already been posted but my blog has been a little mixed up lately.
This is a picture of the house from down at the edge of the lawn area, just to give you a better idea of it`s look from the other side.  Great viewing window in the living room to see what`s going on in the animal kingdom and over to the main land.
My camper is just visible in between the house and the umbrella, up the hill.  The last picture is looking out over the sound towards the main land.  You can see a little morning haze on the water but it burns off quickly.
That's enough of that so on to another day in my life on the road.
So long!

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