Monday, July 9, 2012

Canada Trip - 7-8 & 7-9

I am still here on Vashon Island (not because they will not let me off but because it is such a comfortable place to hang out) and have been keeping busy.  This community is very close and word got out that I liked working on "doors".  So to date I have worked on nine doors at three different houses - nothing major, just adjustments.
I have also landed a job working on a large "slab" from a Douglas fir tree (10` x 22.5"x 2.5") that will end up being a counter top.  It will get cut down some / sanded & oiled before installation.  Did I say that I was retired? 
Enough of my "social calender", how about some pictures taken around the island (it seems someone asked for these - Mary).
Below are several pictures of the house where my friend Charlene is staying. 
These two shots are from the parking area above the house and show Puget Sound in the distance.  Next is the area just to the right where I  parked my truck / camper.  I have been sleeping in my camper (which is why it is popped up in this picture) because it is cooler and that way I do not have to drag all my stuff into the house.  Check out those tall trees in the yard!
They have a dangerous "beast" that lives in the house and sometimes it is quite friendly.   Just kidding.....see below.

Below are some of the wild flowers that grow beside the roads - first are "fox glove" and then blooming "blackberries".  The blackberries are all around the island growing wild.

 This next picture really caught my eye.  Along side the road there are these four exercise bicycles and people just come out to use them.  The view is great, looking across the water toward Seattle, very cool.

While walking one day I came across this road side sign (in front of someones house) advertising fresh produce.  It is a self serve as you see in the second picture with the produce in the red coolers and the Tupperware container in the middle for the money / change.  Tramp Harbor (see the bottom of the sign) is the area of the island where my friend lives.
There are big changes in the tides and this next view is low tide.  When it is high tide the water comes part way up on large rock at the right of the shot next to the road.
Another "funny" picture - it is a little home made looking snow plow.  I was told that they do get some snow but it never really amounts to much.  I do not think this machine has run for many years.
A couple more "critter" shots from the back yard, actually looking out the large windows that face the yard & water.  These guys were not bothered in the least by my presents while I was taking the pictures and were only about 15` away.

Well that is a snapshot of some of the flavor of Vashon Island.  Right now it is beautiful and warm weather but they do have winters / rain & snow.  It is still a very nice place to hang out...........
Is is late and I am tired, so goodnight.

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