Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Driving through New Brunswick / actual date 9-19-14

I have now started to turn south, down across New Brunswick (you know the Canadian province that is just north & east of Maine)(yes that one).  As I approach Edmundston, N. B.  I have moved into the Alantic standard time zone which is one hour ahead of Eastern standard time zone.  It is so exciting but I do not know why.
Enough of that, on to travel and pictures!  Still the fall colors have not reached their peak, as you can see in this shots.  Still nice though.
Upon reaching the southern coast of New Brunswick, I headed for Fundy National Park which amazingly enough is on the Bay of Fundy (go figure).  This is the place where the tidal differences are the greatest.  The next picture is the flags at the park.  On the right is the flag of New Brunswick.  It shows a old wooden sailing ship with a square sail.
The next series is about the largest "critter" in the Canadian woods, yes the moose!
All along the highways are tall fences to keep the moose from running out onto the roads, especially at night as you can see above.  Moose are so big and tall that if you hit one in your vehicle it will roll over and come crashing through the windshield (not a good thing).  Below are the gates built into the fences so if a moose get over a fence, it has a "one way" gate to return to the forest.
You can see the "fingers" that will let the moose push through only one way.  They are spring loaded.
They are installed about every 5 miles and seemed to work because I did not see any moose on the road........
As you can see most of the signs are (thankfully) in both English & French.  I actually stopped a little farther north to get directions at a small store and the 20 somethings working there were having a hard time with English.
Break time for this blogger.

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