Thursday, October 16, 2014

Orwell Corner Historic Village, P. I. / actual date 10-1-14

I saw information about a historic village that was established on P. I. in 1861 & decided to check it out.
There are 14 buildings that are in their original place & have been kept as they were (complete with everything inside) last used in the mid 20 th century.  I toured: the one room school house; blacksmith shop; carriage house; machine shed & the shingle mill.  I will include a few pictures below.
There was a school group visiting at the time which added to the picture.

Above is a view of the top of one desk with all the markings from over the years.  Notice the hole for an ink well.

This last one is the shingle mill.  Very interesting & there was even a guy working in the blacksmith shop who made repairs to the equipment around the village.
Fun to see how life was 150 years ago in a remote part of the world.  I am glad it was them & not me.
See you on the flip side.......

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