Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Alma, N. B. / actual date 9-29-14

I spent a few days camping at Fundy N. P. and walking down to Alma, a small town just outside the park.  It is a fishing village with a post office, three places to eat & not much more.  The places to eat are important since I do not cook on the road or at home for that matter.  Below is a view of the village from the park which is up on a hill.

There are about 15 small fishing boat harbored here & as you will see in the next photos, when the tide goes out, the boats are high & dry.
I guess that they make sure to be back in the harbor before the tide starts to go out!
The boats all have a built in support running under the length of them & they lower these support stands on each side to keep the boat from falling over.  Also note the distance to the top of the pier in both pictures.
Another look at a maple tree that is doing fall colors proud.
Here is another look at the tidal differences, compare the two shots of the harbor.
Yes, that is the open water way out there with a shall creek draining out with the tide.
Enough of this, I need my beauty rest & before you think it, I know it will not help.......

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