Saturday, October 11, 2014

More travels & pictures / actual date 9-25-14

After a little "tech support" I am again able to post pictures & descriptions of my travels again.  Even though I am now in Virginia visiting with family, I am going to pick up where I left off on Sept. 25.

I visited Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan which was created by Henry Ford.  It is an re-created village from the turn of the century complete with all sorts of actual craft buildings from the period.  I know that you are expecting all sorts of pictures but sorry to let you down.  I was having such a good time looking around the 80 acres that I did not take any pictures.  All I can say is you have to see it for yourself if you are ever in the Detroit area.

After leaving Detroit my route took me into Canada at Windsor, Ontario.  My goal was to follow the St. Lawrence Seaway up to New Brunswick.  Following Hwy. 401, my first stop was at Ingersoll, about halfway to Toronto.  I found a provincial park that offered places to park / camp with electrical hookups.  It was right out on a lawn area and very quiet.
I know what your are thinking, not enough pictures but I will do better.

So much for my first day in Canada. 

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