Thursday, October 16, 2014

On to Nova Scotia / actual date 10-2-14

Time to check out another land mass.  I caught the ferry from Woods Island, P. I. to Caribou, Nova Scotia which took about an hour & $74.00.  It sails from the southern tip of the island near the east end.
I headed up to the northeastern end which is actually an island (but still part of N. S.), it goes by the name Cape Breton Island.  My destination was Cape Breton Highlands National Park which takes up a great deal of the northern most tip of the province.  The tour books compare the drive around the coast to Big Sur drive south of San Francisco, Ca.  I agree with that but the Big Sur drive does not have moose.... no I still did not see any!
Here are a few pictures from my drive up the west side, across the top & down the east side.
The drive is know as the Cabot Trail.  This side going north borders the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
As you can see the land is a little "lumpy" & covered with forests.

I saw this old barn & could not resist a picture of it.  This was before I entered the Park.

It was suggested to me that there was a Cletic Music Center & lunch place that I might make the afternoon session.  I thought why not.  I was a great stop & good music (preformed by a piano & a fiddle).  I stayed about an hour, much fun.
I camped that night near the northern part of the park by a beautiful stream.

When I woke the temp. was 40 degrees (when it is 40 outside, it is only 41 inside) but I have several down layers, so sleeping was good.  I was now set to head down the east side of the park (the Alantic Ocean side).  The coast looks even more like Big Sur Coast in Calif.

Below is one of the markers for the Cabot Trail.

The ocean & clowds were really showing off this day as you see in this next picture.  It was overcast but that is better for taking photos.
That enough for now.  If you ever get the chance to see this park, don`t miss it.  It is a long way but........

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