Thursday, October 16, 2014

Heading for P. E. I. / actual date 9-30-14

In case you are wondering what P. E. I. stands for, it is the province of Prince Edward Island.  If you Google or as I do, drag out a map of Canada, you have to look above Nova Scotia.  
I drove east over a long bridge just east of Moncton, N. B.  Everyone there just calls it P. I.
The fog was closing in as I was having lunch before crossing to the island.  I could not even see the island at all.

That evening I it was getting late and I was still trying to figure out where to stay.  While heading east toward Charlottetown along a highway, I began to see old logging roads going off into the forest.  I figured this one looked good & just turned off & drove into the forest about a mile.  It was overgrown some so it looked like no one had been up it for years, perfect.
I finally found a small side area where I could turn around & it went far enough off the logging road to be out of the way in case someone happened along.
 Home sweet home, for the night.  Nothing but the birds & smell of the forest to wake me in the morning.
I even made a collection of fall colors on my back door step in the morning.  I started to Charlottetown, the capitol of the province.  It a quaint little town with some interesting buildings & statues 

It even has a deep water port for some good size cruse ships.

Next time a little more of P. I.  I am done for now.

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