Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 10 - Tuba City - Glen Canyon Dam - Mont. Valley (Navajo Res.)

Sorry I could not post yesterday but my "3G" would not hold a signal.  The trials and tribulations of traveling in the wide open spaces.
I drove to the Glen Canyon Dam and took the tour.  It is cool (actually it is cool inside since we were down in the dam and it stays a constant 55 all year long).  We walked on top of the dam and then went just above the green lawn area to where the turbines are located.  It was about a hour tour total and I was able to get the senior discount ($1 off which made it an affordable $4), got to try and stretch that retirement $.  OK I`ll give up on the "I`m so cheep I squeak" references from now on.
How about a few shots of the dam?
Those dots next to the round thing (an old turbine on display) are people just to give you some prospective.  We started our tour there and then went down in the closer "tower" like structure in a elevator that descends 540` - it takes about a minute -yahoo!
We then came out just above the lawn (yes that is Bermuda lawn) and went into the turbine viewing area.
The short answer to "why is there a lawn area" is the tubes that take the water to the turbines vibrates so much that the solution was to put a thick layer of gravel on top of them.  To keep the wind from blowing the dirt and gravel away, a lawn worked did the job ( it is the size of two football fields and this guy mows it once a week).  Enough with the trivia - more pictures!
This is in the turbine room and the one in front is being retrofitted with a new impeller ( it is sitting just beyond the hole in front).  Just for an idea of the size of these I will put in a shot of some of the people working on this one (hint - they can be seen in the "window" down in the hole with the lights on either side).
Enough of the **** dam, I had to keep it clean since I found out there are children following this blog (yes Joe, your kids).
Just one more shot, this from down stream of the dam......
On to Monument Valley in the Navajo Reservation (still in the northeast corner of Arizona - just below the Utah border.  This area is beautiful beyond words!  I got there later in the afternoon and got some pictures near sundown and then decided to camp there that night.  Get ready.....

Well, what do you think?  You want more?
Early evening and the moon is just above that cloud at the center of the shot.  This is the view out the back of my camper as I was having dinner.  Tough life - yea you know it.  It was primitive camping but the back yard makes up for that!
More pictures of the formations in the valley tomorrow.

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