Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 19 - Gallup NM - Farmington NM

Sorry no pictures again today.  You might not want to see me frustrated and using colorful language.

I got up and headed for the tire store and bought a  new tire.  That`s done! 

Then as I was driving north out of Gallup, I stopped and called the Verizon tech people again (before I got out of cell range) and in about 20 minutes the wireless router problem was fixed.  Yahoo.........

The drive north was about 2.5 hours and thankfully uneventful.  I landed in Farmington, New Mexico and found a trailer park with hookups and got all of my blogs updated. 

Tomorrow I am headed for Aztec Ruins Nat. Montument, which is just below the border of Colorado. 
After that I plan to drive to Durango, Co.  I am planning to explore that area for about two or three days.

I promise more pictures tomorrow, really.

Good night

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