Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 9 - Winslow to Tuba City

I took a easy drive through part of the Navajo & Hopi Reservations on my way north and west from Winslow, AZ.  I went by a town called "Second Mesa" which is just what it sound like - small towns built on top of a mesa.  It was a little depressing since the homes are mostly trailers and cinder block constructed dwellings, a very poor area.  I did not stop to take any pictures, not wanting to get in any hassle with the locals.
Just like their ancestors, they tended to build higher up above the desert floor. 
The top picture is not Second Mesa but a large outcrop of harder sandstone.  There is some wide open country out here and more than one "really" straight roads.  The last one was taken while driving at about 60 mph. 
  I thought the clouds were quite nice in this shot, almost like they were eminating from behind the outcrop. 

I just had to work myself into a picture, this one at a rest stop near the town of Hotevilla, still on the way to Tuba City.  Nice little stop with layered sandstone rock in the distance across a "dry" wash.  While here, I decided to change my plans and visit Glen Canyon Dam - it is the one that forms Lake Powell.  I have never seen a dam so why not.........
After that I plan to travel east and end up at Canyon de Chelly Nat. Mont. (near the border with New Mexico).
Tonight, for the first time, I broke down and got a motel room since it is very warm and slightly humid (for this part of the world). 
Adios Amigos!

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