Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 11 - Monument Valley to Navajo National Monument

I got up a had a quiet morning and was going to leave when I decided to take one of the truck tours of the valley floor.  I could have driven my self but the road (dirt) is so rough the it seemed worth the investment to have someone else drive and beat up their vehicle.  It was an 1.5 hour tour and lets just say it was more than the tour at the dam!  It was great and I think that you will agree.
The one above is called "The Three Sisters"
Here we are down in the valley floor and there is this Navajo cowboy on his horse out on a perfect little ledge (ok, I think he is here all day since it is near one of the places where they sell native jewery).  It is one of the ways they can make a few $ to live on.  It is a great shot and so many western movies have been made down here, they are hard to count (John Wayne of course).

The tall one on the right is called "The Totum Pole" even though that is a term used by the native americans of the northwest.  Hey, that`s what they want to call it, I say OK.
Those trees in the middle are about 15` tall.  This formation in the center (in the distance) is called the "King and his court".  The king is the one that stands apart from the others.
Ok, one more and then I think it is time for dinner.
This is just to get the size of some of these outcrops.  You can see one of the Navajo venders and her truck below this big "rock", sandstone actually.

Now on to Navajo National Momument.  A great thing about this park (run by the Forest Service) is that the camping is FREE and even has flush toilets (that one is for the plumbers). 
Here are a few shots from this park.

There are "cliff dwellings" in several of the concaves on the left of this shot and water running down the middle all year.  Dry on top and green in the valley.
If you look close the dwellings are visible under the overhang to the left.  There is a hike down to them but it is about a 8 hour endevor that I think I`ll pass on......
Well that is two postings in one afternoon - at least it keeps me out of trouble for a while.
Let`s see, where to go tomorrow.... maby National Bridges N.M. in lower Utah but you never know.
More to follow.....
Hi Ho Silver, Away.

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