Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 14 - Natural Bridges N.M. - Hovenweep N.M. (both in Utah)

OK, so there was not a "Day 13" but it was not a Friday the 13  thing but rather I was in an area (Natural Bridges) where I did not have a "3-G" connection (I know it is hard to believe there places like that but it is the truth).

Anyway on to stuff from Day 13.  I was in Natural Bridges Nat. Monument (southern Utah) and decided to hike to each of the three "bridges" form points along the road around the park.  They are not to far appart and well, I did not have anything else to do......

The name of the first "bridge" is Sipapu is what the Hopi call the "gateway through which souls may pass to the spirit world".  The hike down to this bridge was about 1 hour (round trip) and descended 500`.

OK , so I had to get into the shot but it gives you an idea to the size. 

The second (the drive is only one way around the monument) is named Kachina and is the youngest and thickest of the bridges.  The round trip down to be able to stand right underneath was 1 hour and a decent of 400`.

It is a little had the see since there is a 25` tree growing right in front of it (from this angle).  Just wait and see the next shot....

It is about a 50` high opening and very massive supports on both sides.  This bridge dropped a 4,000 pound from the underside of it`s arch in 1992 (you might be able to see the pile of rock under it).  I did not read that until I had stood directly under (it was in the shade, so why not).

The last bridge (below) is named Owachomo which in Hopi means "rock mound".  It`s opening is 180` across and 106` high at the center.  The hike down to it was only about 30 min. and descended 180` (piece of cake)  Are you ready?

And just one more? OK.
This is what it feel like to stand under TONS of sandstone and hope it does not decide this is the moment that it FALLS DOWN!

These are a few of the shots from my drive over to Hovenweep Nat. Monument (right in the southeast corner of Utah) and it the middle of nowhere.  I am surprised to be able to get a signal to post this blog from here.
The road went through some pretty impressive "cuts" and passed some very remote areas.  There were even guards posted along the road........
And now for those "guards on the road".

This next shot looked like I was headed for a confrontation! 

Does the term "open range" mean anything to you?  Well this is it!
I don`t know if you can see but this customer had a good sized set of horns on him, so I just waited (there was NO other traffic) for him to exit "stage right".

Hovenweep N.M. is a series of stone structures built from about 700 to 1230 and then, like most was abandoned.  Pictures tomorrow.

Buenas Notches.

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