Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 5 & 6 (I think) who cares!

This is the first of the Native American ruins that I will visit and is quite a structure.  I sat in on a guided tour and learned a lot about these people - at least what the experts think they know.
These dwellings are about 40` up and they must have used long ladders to reach.  It is down in a valley with a nice stream (running right now) very near the base.

This is Red Rock Canyon and these hills are very red due to the presents of iron ore in the soil.  I hoped that this would show the colors better but you will just have to trust me on this.  I thought that I had better get myself in the shot just to prove that I am not just sitting home, making you think I am traveling and not taking any calls.

This is a Yacca that is blooming in the desert just outside Sedona (looking north) to some more red santstone hills.  This is near a formation called Bell Rock.

I found great campground (Park Service) just north of Sedona and stayed for two nights.  They had hot showers which was quite a treat.   Tuesday I hiked up a trail named "Call of the Canyon" that has a beautiful stream most of the way.  It was a 1.5 hour hike each way but it came to a place where the only way to get through was knee deep water.  Above is near the start of the hike and below is the point where I had to turn around.  Still a great hike.
Headed for the northeast corner of Arizona and more Native American ruins.  More in a couple of days.

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