Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 12 - Navajo Nat. Mont. - Hike to the Betatakin Cliff Dwellings

As you can see I am still in the Navajo National Monument - Camping here last night I found it to be one of the nicest campgrounds so far.  It is HOT (around 90 or so in the daytime) but nice at night.  I was reading more about about several hikes (guided) down to the Betatakin Cliff Dwellings.  These are the same ones that yesterday I said I might pass on.  Well it looked like an opportunity that I should not miss, so I signed up for a hike that started at 10:00 (a reasonable hour).  I actually thought it would have been better to start earlier.  
As it turned out I was the only one to sign up, so Paul (my Navajo guide) & I hiked down and were able to get within about 10` of the cliff dwellings.  Paul also told me stories about growing up in this area.  Very interesting!
The hike descended about 2500` into a beautiful canyon with lots of plants - way different form up on the rim.
So without further dribble, PICTURES!
This is a view looking down into the valley - the cliff dwellings are on the left out of this shot.  You can see that there is a water source in the first half of this canyon (all the green growing stuff). 
As you can see there are a lot of steps to get down & no railings!  That is my guide Paul at the first of many landings.  Notice the flights of steps below him.

To protect the cliff dwellings you a required to have a guide & this is why.  A locked gate with no way to get around it (unless you can fly).
The dwellings are back in a large natural concave in canyon wall - this protected them from the elements, sun & rain.  It was noticeably cooler back up in the shade surrounded by cooler rocks.
A closer view of the dwellings - this was as far as we were allowed to go, for good reason.
There are several petroglyps that Paul said are thought to be Hopi, since they also lived here many years ago.
We took a rest on a nice bench in the shade before starting our climb back out.  It is LOTS of steps to get back to the top.
It is amazingly green and lush down in the canyon - the trail is almost closed in with everything from: ferns; aspen trees & poison ivy (a relative of our poison oak & just as much trouble)
On the walk back up the trail was in the shade for part of the time, which helped.

I am headed for Natural Bridges N.M. in Utah since it is very close & I want to see it........Then on to Hovenweep N. M. (in the southeast corner of Utah) - it has some tall square tower ruins.

Happy trails

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