Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Canada Trip - Monday 6-18

The plan today was to drive west as far as we could, which meant to the ocean, west of the Olympic Nat. Park.  The road goes through some dense forests and we ended on a rocky beach.  A stop was made at Quinalt Lake and a nice old lodge on the shore.  A very tranquill place.

The Quinalt Lodge would be a great place to stay.  Built in 1894 but rebuilt in 1924 after a fire, it has that old world charm.  The lake is large and they provide canoes and have a small beach to relax.
Of course there is wild life and porbably more than we saw (which in the case of bears, that`s a good thing)
Above a "crested blue jay" and a "red" squirel work the bird feeder over.   Below is one of the many plants and flowers that grow wild in the area.  This one is called (I think) Turkish Hat and looks like the name.
Finally we found a beach which had nothing but smothed granite rocks as far as you could see plus lots of drift wood.
  Above looking north - below looking south.  My truck is just above in the center.  I have to get it in.
A long drive but we got to see some beautiful country.  That all she wrote......

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