Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Canada Trip - Tuesday 6-19

Today was over to Seattle again.  A nice resturant and a stop at REI (Recreational Equipment Store).  For those of you that know this chain of stores (outdoor equipment), this is the "mother ship" or as they refer to it as the "Flagship Store" (the original store).  They have a cool (man made) waterfall just outside that makes you think you are out in the wild.

 I want one like this but I would need a much bigger yard and lots of water.  Oh well, maby not! 

On the ferry headed back to Vashon the clouds over the city were nice but not typical for this area.  The view off the back I thought called for a picture.  This was a rare "blue sky" day with puffy clouds.

In the yard there was one bloom that had opened, I think just for me since I was leaving the next day.
The name is "hypericum" or St. John`s Wort.  It is about 2.5 inches across and bright yellow.  On to the north and new places to see.  Catch you on the flip flop.

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