Saturday, June 30, 2012

Canada Trip - Wednesday 6-27

After spending a day in my camper catching up on my blog, it was a nice day and time to check out Glacier Nat. Park. Clearing skies (first I have seen in a week), I headed to drive the "going to the sun" road.  This is the one road that cuts across the park (west to east) and goes over Logan Pass (elevation 6,646`).  It is a narrow road and they are doing a lot of road work, which means delays.  One was a half an hour!  I know, show me something!!!!
I am sure that is not what you wanted to see, about these from the first part of the drive?
Above is a huge water that is cutting across (under) the road where I was headed.  If you look carefully the tunnel under the roadway where the water goes, can be seen.  Note the clouds above, I get into them later.
Did I tell you about the construction on this road which at places is only wide enough for two regular cars to pass each other? 

This is the long line of cars waiting to come down - one way traffic make it slow going, but what is the alternative?
Due to the heavy traffic (after the one way wait) I could not stop (actually there was not any place) so I just took pictures while driving.  The point above this stream is very near the top of the climb (note the road & line of cars at the left).

From all the rain and snow melt the water was just pouring off the side of the hills.  You can see all the water on the road.
Did I mention there were a lot of waterfalls?

Oh, did I tell you there was a lot of snow at the top - those drains across the roadway helped to channel the water off the road.  In the morning this section was closed due to "black ice" (frozen water on the road that you can not see).
This is the visitor`s center at Logan Pass (the highest point on the road).  Note the US & Canadian flags since we are very close to Canada.  And yes it was cold up here, just above freezing. 

I "quickly" walked up on the snow pack behind the visitor`s center and felt like I was in the artic, taking this picture!

This looking east with the road going down at the far left.  You can see the cloud layer was still high but it looks clearer toward the east.  But it is still cold here!
More snow and big waterfalls, I could not resist.

Great tunnels through the solid rock and of course this was a driving shot.

They have these vehicles to carry tourists around all though the park area.

One last picture looking back at the park from the east side.  A great park and I have to go back "after school is back in" to cut down on the traffic. 
I am hanging out in Seattle ( actually Vashon Island) for a few day.  More about that later. 
I am all do for now.

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