Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Canada Trip - Thursday 6-21

Landing in Canada I drove to Sidney, B.C. which is the government seat for British Columbia.  This is the main government building which is like our state capitol building.

This shows the banners that are celebrating Queen Elizabeth`s 60 years reign. 
Above is the Mile "0" marker for the trans-Canadian highway.  I last was here 42 years ago while driving around Canada & the US with a highschool friend in my brand new 1970 Karmann-Ghia VW.  This was big objective on this trip.
While walking around in downtown Sidney, I could not resist a picture of this bicycle rack.  It is shaped to symbolize the name of the isalnd - Vancouver Island.  I thought it was very creative.
Another destination was Butchart Gardens which is over a 100 years old.  I will only include a few pictures of the roughly 60 shots I took during my 3.5 hour walk though.

You will have to try and picture these two shots above as one large area.  This is only one of 5-6 different parts of the garden.  It is more than 55 acres and most of that is perfectly landscaped.  The one I liked the best is the Japanese Garden. 

Above even the trash recepticles are decked out with flowers.
There are litterally 40-50 different types of Colombines and all in peak bloom.  I could be here all night showing you pictures of this amazing garden.  They also had several acres of Tuberous begonias, of all colors & in full bloom.  A must if you are ever in the area.
I headed north (or as they say "up island") to find a camping spot, ending up at Sproat Lake Provincial Park.  It is almost in the dead center of the island a near the top of a ridge running up the center of the island.  It rained almost the whole time I was in Canada but "it is green".
More stuff when I get back to this blog.  For now "I`ve got blisters on my fingers".  Goodnight

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