Monday, June 11, 2012

Canada Trip - Sunday 6-10

Two objectives today:  Mt. Shasta and Crater Lake. 

Getting off the highway I headed east (somehwere between Redding & Yreka, Ca.)  and found the road to the trail head for Mt. Shasta.  It ended at a place called "Bunny Flat" elevation 6950` with a great view of the snow covered mountain.
The parking area was loaded and a lot of them were either hiking or perparing to hike up the mountain.  This shot shows them with my truck on the right nearer the camera.

Time to hit the road again but on advise from a friend, I found a place about 30 miles north to see Mt. Shasta from the other side.  The contrast with the surrounding country is amazing.  I`ll let you be the judge of that.....
Into Oregon and a right turn at Medford, up Hwy. 62 to Crater Lake Nat. Park. This place is stunning but due to the elevation (6,450`) there was still a lot of snow.  There is a roadway around the lake (22 miles) but most was not yet plowed.  Here are  several pictures from on the south side overlook.

The island is named Wizard Island and is all that is left of top of the valcano that occupied this space.  It is hard to see the whole size of this lake.  The water surface is 6,173` and the deepest point is -1,943` below the surface. 
This is looking just right of the picture above and that shadow (bottom right) is a tree that looks like a photographer - no really it is a tree!
Did I say the snow on the rim was deep, this next picture really shows how deep!!!!
That night I camped down from the rim in the some of the only spots that had been plowed - but just enough for the vehicles.  When I woke the temp outside was 33 & the temp inside 34 , those vinal sides of the pop-up really do insulate, not.
That is all for today.

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