Saturday, June 9, 2012

Canada Trip - Saturday 6/9/12 (again)

I know what you are thinking - didn`t he title the last post "Saturday 6/9" and the answer is YES.  I guess  that is what happens when one is retired and traveling!
Today really is Saturday 6/9 and it is the second day of my travels on the way to the Canadian Rockies. 
After nearly getting blown over last night, I continued north on Hwy. 5.  When I got to Red Bluff, Ca. (you are going to have a good map handy - if you really care) and truned east for Lassen Volcanic Nat. Park.  It is a 29 mile drive though the park and starts at 6,700` elevation (south entrance) / goes over 8,212` at the highest / exits at 5,900` (north entrance).  Lots of snow on the southern side - I know "show me some pictures".
I know "both hands on the wheel" but how could I show you what it was like to driving through a lot of snow.  It was also cold out - probably about 45 degrees or so and a good breeze......
No shortage of lakes and appropriately named Reflection Lake fits the bill.  It is near the north entrance.
I went to checkout Manzanita Lake and this goose must have thought I had some food.  It came within about five feet of me, so of course I had to get a picture.
I headed west back to Hwy. 5 and the town of Redding, Ca.  Then north and found a nice RV park about 25 miles up the road. 
I want to see Mt. Shasta (still in Calif.) and then north to Medford, Oregon where I will head northeast to Crater Lake Nat. Park.  It looks like there is a road all the way around the lake and I plan to stay there Sunday evening. 
I will leave you with a shot of the sign for the park including my truck / camper.
I will say "Sayonara"  for now.

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