Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Canada Trip - Saturday 6-23

I forgot to include a picture of the entrance to Sproat Lake campground, yesterday.
I did a little touristing in several small cities before heading for the ferry over to the mainland and Vancouver.  The weather was raining and overcast which prompted me to book the ferry.  The small city of Qualicum Beach is the next series of pictures.  I stopped in for breakfast and checked out their farmer`s market, as well as the rest of the community.
As you can see it is a very beautifully kept city.  Below is the town clock and behind it a great blooming "Dogwood" tree.
I will wrap up with a picture from the ferry on the way over to Vancouver.  It shows another ferry and the hills beyond.   
Another short picture taking day.  I just did not see anything worth stopping for.  The End

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